A Baking Itinerary for Sourdough Bread

Sourdough bread. Photo by Rebecca Silus.

Sourdough bread baking. Photo by Rebecca Silus

No-knead sourdough bread is super easy but the timing is something to get used to. Here is an example of how I would plan my baking schedule if I wanted to bring a loaf to a get-together on Friday night.

You could also bump Wednesday to Thursday because this dough can be cold proofed anywhere from 7–48 hours.


1:00 - Make a new loaf and feed starter if needed

2:00 - Stretch and fold #1

3:00 - Stretch and fold #2

4:00 - Stretch and fold #3

5:00 - Put in refrigerator


1:00 - Take dough out of refrigerator and transfer to banneton to proof

3:00 - Preheat oven with dutch oven inside

3:30 - Transfer dough from banneton to dutch oven

4:30 - Let cool on rack and share in evening with friends!

Rebecca Silus

Rebecca is a creative director and surface pattern designer. She founded the Field Office in Berlin in 2008.


8 Tools I Need for Every Sourdough Bread Bake


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